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Friday, September 03, 2010

Back to Blogging / Vivid Dream

I volunteered to sit on the front desk for our DOFI (Director of First Impressions – yes, I know it’s a cheesy name, but think about the responsibility that comes with that title- WOW!) –so while it’s still raining and quiet, and all the admissions reps are in a meeting, I’m bored.

So you can tell that I’m back to blogging – yes fans – wow, I think I have one – I am hereby committing to incessant rambling on-line and choose to not punctuate or capitalize correctly! HA! Take that grammar police! I’m going to make this my free-willed, free-loving, whatever-comes-outta-my-big-mouth BLOG! BLEH!!!

Back to being bored…
I had a series of vivid dreams last night. Yes, they were 1st person as they usually go – and here’s the series of events.
I was in my mother’s kitchen back in their old house on Broadway. She was complaining about cooking some kind of cake that was taking forever in the oven. I asked if it was gluten free- b/c they usually take much longer to cook that your regular variety. Next thing I know, I’m rummaging through the old big green refrigerator and all there are are donuts in there! Donuts! So I start to scarf a couple of them down. Then I’m mixing a tiny little cake batter that won’t combine wet & dry mixtures very well- and look on a box that says I can cook it in the microwave? Really? And get this- it’s the old microwave that we had forever – that I ended up having with me in grad school that had no timer – and was circa 1984 when we got it one Christmas? Weird. So I tell it has to cook 34 minutes and look the timer is finally working! (Or some timer-like thing on top of the microwave that’s now digital) And if she’d please take care of it for me – so I get more donuts that I know I’m not supposed to eat and leave the Broadway house – only there’s just one car in the driveway and it’s not my car- and where are everyone else’s cars plus the extra two that don’t work or no one drives that are usually in the driveway.

And apparently I was playing hooky from work in this dream too, b/c I had both my work and car keys in my pocket – and hadn’t called my boss. Then I’m in this movie theater with the lights on – with scattered chairs and lots of walking room sitting near my former finance from college. And I was telling him how I saw his family picture on facebook and how great it was (lying through my teeth). (aka – his second wife, that he met while married to his first wife – whom he knocked up and married pretty soon after the divorce was final. OUCH! Sound familiar readers? Yep – the first wife was the one he started seeing while he was engaged to ME! Notice a pattern? I feel sorry for his little girl.) And then I see my boss in the movie and she comes over and says hi, and I try NOT to introduce who I’m talking with. But we never watch a movie and next thing I know I’m in house with very little furniture and nasty yellow walls. Very spacious, bare & simple. I know it’s their house. And they’re all just sitting around the table, seems like they just finished eating. And they’ve got two kids now- and I never see the baby girl from the pictures, just some little boy. And he’s the size of a one year old, and baby talks with a baritone voice… but they say he’s 6 months old. And they have this multi-tiered pool in their back yard where at 11 at night there’s little toddlers doing some kind of organized water aerobics –and they’ve all got little floaties on their arms and they’re in rings. And just as I question what in the world they are doing with children up so late, all these other moms flood into the house and I can’t ask.

So I wander around the house, and I see this Willow Tree-like, 3’ x 4’ stone board with their family tree –and near Dave’s name it says LARISSA – 3/1/98. And just as I start to question, his new wife appears and says – Well, you’re a part of our story. Dave committed his life to you first, and your relationship was important to him. But you’ve got the date wrong. It started going downhill on 3/17/98 when he said we should postpone our wedding date. Then I notice a date on a mirror written in green dry erase marker with some name and another date in 2001 and I know it’s someone in her life that led her to Dave. And I’m okay with that. Then Dave’s coming out of a bathroom on the left in towel –an d it’s old skinny Dave, and I look away. Ewh.

Later I’m in some kind of evening dress – on crooked, can’t get the chest part on right – and I’m feeling hung over. Then I’m lounging around this puke and mustard yellow house of theirs and there’s lots of pillows and dark wood. Everyone’s got a drink but me. (This part of the dream I KNOW where it’s from – it’s from the Christine Lahti episode of Law & Order that was on TV just before bed.) And just when I feel like the whole world is judging me and only knows Dave’s side of our story – I’m in some weird room, that becomes a shower, and I start shaving my legs. And I still have the sequined, misfitting dress on? (Glad it has a nigh slit) Just as I’m done, his wife comes in and is talking to another woman about me, judging me, and OOPS- I’m there and listening. So I leave.

And it was 5:40am on the clock as I woke up.

Normally, I don’t dream this vividly or even remember as many details – if any, at all! It’s almost like while I was dreaming I was telling myself “Be sure you remember every detail, okay?” The being in someone’s strange house with lots of yellow probably has to do with my mom’s kitchen (yellow cabinets, yellow curtains) –and the big strange house may be from watching BigBrother last night. Who knows… how weird….

Result : I’m exhausted writing this – and thinking about it.