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Friday, July 28, 2006

Captivating - Chapter 3

Chapter Three.... hmmm... so what really is the deepest question this chapter has to reveal? Is it whether or not we realize that we have beauty to unveil? Or is it, "Hey Eve - What happened?" Once again I am less than amused with this book. (Although I can really relate to Stasi's grocery store story at the beginning of the chapter - I'm always counting my # of items to avoid women like that!) Regardless - here's a little of what I picked up.

"Eve was inviting, alluring, captivating."
Sounds like your "Ideal Southern Lady." In some ways I feel that pressure when I try to put on a party (which is NOT one of my gifts) - it stresses me out, and it shows! I don't glisten, I SWEAT! Thank goodness I don't live in an area or work in a community with too many moms who turn their nose up at you if you're not the most inviting, alluring, or captivating! (Talk about pressure!!)

The section that talked about how most little girls love playing dress up, asking if they're pretty reminded me of a song my Grandmother loved, and my mother sang to me whenever life got topsy turvy: "Que sera, sera / whatever will be will be / the future's not ours to see / que sera, sera / what will be, will be." (sorry for the lack of Spanish accent marks in the right place - I'm not sure how to do that on Blogspot.)

Fruits of the Fall
To summarize: Man is cursed with futility and failure - a man's worst fear - b/c of Adam. Woman is cursed with loneliness, the urge to control & with [the struggle over] the dominance of men. Huh. I thought it was always childbirth, from what some Sunday school teachers said!

And since I've already admitted I'm no true Southern Belle (just Southern, thank you kindly!) - pardon me for the next few lines to come.... Women I dislike: controlling, dominating, one who doesn't need anyone's help (especially a man), desolate, too vulnerable, needy, always feel like they have to be a in relationship (::cough cough:: my middle sister). These kinds of women exhaust me - drain me - frustrate me - down right tick me off sometimes! Okay, a lot of the time lately. So it was good to read about them in Captivating. All of these women, no mater what polar opposite they may be of the other, are trying to hide their true feelings; their true selves. They are unhappy, no matter what shows on the outside. They are less likely to trust God for what He wills their lives to be. ::sigh:: In the heat of conflict, or the exhaustion of the same old needy story over and over again, it's so easy to be human - instead of being more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlling. (Yes, these are the "Fruits of the Spirit!")

This really was a hard chapter to talk about - it brings up my inadequacies, depression issues, and bad habits that are sometimes easier to solve with worldly ideals. I know I have a lot to say(thanks for reading), but I'm naturally introverted. I often obsess over insequential things (or argue with my husband about the big issues that he obsesses over that don't phase me for some reason). And in my past I have been that woman who tried to control every aspect of her life and the people in it - but I've also been the one that was too needy or vulnerable. It's hard to be a working mom and loving wife/mother, who tries to succeed at everything she does.

So what is the deepest question this chapter had to reveal? I don't think it's that a woman's worst fear is abandonment. That's an over-generalization. (I like being alone - and only wish I had more time to my self.) Maybe the question isn't what beauty do I have to unveil, but what beauty already surrounds me that I haven't embraced?

Monday, July 24, 2006

Captivating - Chapter 2

When I first dived in to Chapter 2 of Captivating, I was reminded of two stories that I remembering countless times as a child: the creation story and Cinderella. From a very early age I learned that God made Eve to be different than Adam – to be his “help meet.” I also learned that sometimes you have to work hard until you reap a great reward (the ball) so that some day your prince will come!

John grabbed me when he said that “The desires of a woman’s heart and the realities of a woman’s life seem an ocean apart.” So we want to be swept off our feet, while we know that life isn’t all fancy balls and glass slippers. (Wow, what a heavy responsibility I suddenly feel for trying to teach my 21 month old daughter how to weigh desire vs. reality as she grows up! YIKES!)

Going back to that word I remember many Sunday school teachers using: “Help meet.” How funny that sounds even today! My husband never calls me his “help meet.” My dad never referred to my mom as his “help meet.” So this is the first occasion I’ve had to learn that the original word was ezer kenegdo: literally a "lifesaver alongside you." WOW. That's a lot to live up to.

What's also a little to much for me was the authors' assertion that woman was God's piece de resistance. I don't think just because woman was made after man, that she is any better than- or any improvement on man.

On the other hand, my voice shouted out a loud "AMEN" when it read how we can "[lose]ourselves in work and worry." ::SIGH::

Okay, to summarize:
1. Beauty is powerful
2. Beauty says "all shall be well"
3. Beauty invites
4. Beauty nourishes
5. Beauty comforts
6. Beauty inspires
7. Beauty is transcendent
. . . . . Most of these characteristics are things that women are naturally attuned to do. It's part of our design.

Hmmmm..... Here's hoping this book really DOES get better.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Captivating - Chapter 1 / Introduction

Thanks to everyone for letting me jump into this cyber-Bible study a few weeks late. Captivating is one of the books that I've had patrons ask for, and have been meaning to read and have never taken the time to. When someone turned it in last week, and it didn't have any holds on the title, I checked it out.

Like every other book I check out, it sat around for a few days on the shelf at home, but I kept getting that nagging feeling to get started on it! (God sure can bug you to death sometimes can't He?) So I read Chapter 1 the other night - and immediately wanted the feedback of other Christian women. I'm so glad I found you all!

I too was a little skeptical of Ch. 1 - sure, I want to be captivating, and thankfully I am in my husband's eyes.... But it took me so long to see it. Developing strength, integrity & grades were the most important things when I was growing up. Not a lot of emphasis on physical beauty - not a lot of money for that either. College started out the same way, but opened my eyes to a whole new world.

I wouldn't trade those experiences for anything. Who knew that talking until the wee hours of the morning could enliven the soul so much! Boy did I spread my wings and let my seeking soul try to fly! But my parents had other ideas -and it wasn't until I took a big leap of faith and signed up for grad school & then moved out there that I really had to find out where I stood, what was my own belief - what was my rebellion - what did God will for me?

God has taken me down many paths that weren't exactly enjoyable, but necessary. He's given me things that I didn't understand - only to later learn what treasures they were. But I digress....

So Stasi believes that being made in God's image, distinctly different from our male counterparts, we should rejoice in our desires:

1. To be romanced - I've always been a "hopeless romantic" - thank goodness my hubby can be one too at times! But stress is such a killer to this desire!
2. To play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure - But isn't that just daily life? I know there are SO many more exciting things to come in raising a family - but sometimes I feel like these days are already behind me: when we'd go spelunking, repelling, and on awesome but exhausting mission trips. How often do we have time (and more importantly energy) to do these things?
3. And to unveil beauty - Which is SO hard as a full-time librarian and mommy. I've always been so hard on myself with the way I feel about my appearance. And God knows that - that's my hubby thinks I'm so gorgeous! But the last time I really felt that gorgeous were on our wedding day when he saw me turn the corner to start walking down the aisle, and those first moments when we held our newborn daughter. He was so proud of me -so amazed at my endurance and strength. How honored I felt!

I'll keep reading - to see if I can find ways to feel more captivated on my own (instead of through outside sources). And I'll keep praying for God to show me more of what He needs me to do for him that will bring its own intrinsic rewards.

Thanks for reading. I'll catch up with Chapter 2 tomorrow. <><

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Myspace has been fun, but I thought I'd try something a little classier and less trendy that you don't have to have a log-in or fancy plug-in software to view or update. So here goes nothing... now presenting:
"The Life & Times of Larissa Root!"